Our Services

From beginner to experienced, from ages seven to eighty, we have an option for you! Explore our range from classes to workshops, social Saturday shoots to masterclasses. Find your photography experience here.


Beginner DSLR class: From auto to manual (ages 16 and over)

Teen DSLR class (ages 12-16)


Long exposure masterclass: Capturing time.

Bird photography masterclass: Feathers in focus.

Day Trips

Join us on an adventure around the Mid North Coast. Day trips will include multiple forms of photography in the best locations our region has to offer!


Join like-minded enthusiasts for a social gathering revolving around all things photography!


Our workshops include Billabong wildlife photography, sunrise photography, macro photography, bird photography, long exposure - seascape, and Lightroom.

“Photography is the only language that can be understood anywhere in the world.” 

— Bruno Barbey.